YCDP 2024 Convention

March 9, 2024
10 am - 12 noon

Rock Hill, SC 29730

The 2024 YCDP Convention is history!

That history is preserved on our YouTube Channel and our audio podcast. If you missed it, you can relive the whole thing (with better sound👂🏻🔊), and you can use the extensive time-coded INDEX on the YouTube Description to zero in on the action you want to review.

We’re also keeping the text below as part of that history, until 2025 when we do it again!

Sign-up is required to attend the Convention. Look for the location, details and a signup link in your email. If you haven’t see that info, call the office at the number at the bottom of this page.

2024 is an election year for the following YCDP Board members:

  • Chair,

  • 1st Vice Chair,

  • 2nd Vice Chair,

  • 3rd Vice Chair.

If you wish to submit your name for any of the positions, please complete the following form and return by March 7, as the filing for county party offices will close 2 days prior, (March 7) to the County Convention.


Return the form to:
PO Box 3016
Rock Hill, SC 29731
(must be received by March 7)
or email it to Darelene (see your email for address)

This year's Precinct Meetings will not be held. Instead each Precinct will elect or have a volunteer as an Executive Committee person and an Alternate if you like, to attend the YCDP quarterly Executive Committee meetings to be the governing body and to vote when necessary, just as we do today.

There are several very active Precincts, and if you chose to have officers, that is fine. Just as long as you have that one person to be the Executive Committee person to attend the quarterly meetings. Beloqw is a form if you wish to volunteer for your precinct.

Bring the completed form with you to the Convention, or return it by email to Darelene.


96 Delegates and Alternates will be elected to attend the South Carolina State Convention which is May 18, 2024 in Columbia. To qualify to attend you must be a Democrat in good standing and DID NOT VOTE in any other election outside the Democratic Presidential Primary. To qualify to be a National Delegate to the DNC Convention, August 19 to 22, 2024 in Chicago , you have to have voted in the Democratic Primary, and attended both the County and State Conventions.

(Cost to attend the DNC in Chicago is estimated at $4,000)

Note that if you voted in the Repubican Presidential Primary, you may still attend the YCDP Covention, but you may not vote in the election of Board members. And you can not be a Delegate to the Democratic State Convention or National Convention.