The YCDP has a (little) TV📺 and Radio📻 Station! Our media empire!

OK, not on the air🗼. Not even cable🤨. We’re on YouTube video and podcast audio.

The YouTube video is easy to find - our episodes will appear below, or you can go to our YouTube Channel by clicking the link. Click the subscribe button to be notified when a new show is produced.

For podcast audio🎧, go to your podcast app and search for ycdp-tv. Or you can listen and download from the episodes below. (Not available on Spotify)

Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 28: YCDP 2025 Convention Plans

In this episode, YCDP Executive Board members discuss the upcoming Annual Conventiuon, and a little bit about the State Convention. Details on the Convention itself are here on the website.

Here are the basics:

  • Date: March 15, 2025

  • Time: 10 AM

  • Location: Union Baptist Church, 1195 Hands Mill Hwy, Rock Hill, SC 29732 (Newport)

We’d like you to register if you plan to come.That and lots of other stuff on the web page.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 27: School Board Candidates

When you get down to the level of School Board, many voters find themselves in the dark. School board seats are non-partisan, and the YCDP does not endorse any.

The YouTube video DISCRIPTION area has a time-code index to each candidate, so you can find those in your district quickly

There is a fairly new organization in York County called CAPE (Community Advocates FOR Public Education) that has taken on the mission of getting the word out. CAPE is also non-partisan and education focused, but they do advocate for all students.

They recently participated in a School Board Candidate Forum hosted by - yes - the York County Conservative Club. All but two of the candidates from the four school districts were able to attend. Each candidate spoke for two minutes, and there was no Q&A. CAPE offered a video recording of the event to YCDP-TV, and we’re happy to add it to our podcasts.

And although we at YCDP don’t endorse candidates for these non-partisan seats, we know - and you know - that School Board has become highly political, thanks to some on the far right who have been campaigning to end things like letting kids know that gay and trans people even exist, or that our nation’s history has some unpleasant things in it. They have been running candidates for school board seats from which they launch their agenda on the schools.

Some of the candidates you’ll hear from make their position clear. Some couch it in dog-whistle statements. And some - most? - are really just there for the sake of education. A candidate with progressive leaning can’t say that overtly in this pretty red county and still be elected.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 26: The Delegates are BACK

On this episode, Nikita Jackson (YCDP Chair) and John Holder (too many to list) were two of the official Delegates to the DNC in Chicago, and we also have two 'Honored Guests' who also attended: Hattie Ross and William 'Perk' Perkins.

They had fun, they have stories, and at least John has COVID😷.

🎬 So, that Show Open thing.... So far, I've just started the shows by sitting in front of the Studio in the Bonus Room... I'm pretty sure that's scaring people away. So I'm asking YOU to help out.

Here's how. Record a 'selfie video' 🤳🏻 at some place recognizable around where you live - city limit sign sign, iconic building, whatever. On that video, say two things:

  • the town NAME ("Rock Hill", "City of York" (I learned it's 'City of', not 'Town of'😏),

  • and also say "From the..." and your town name.

Say it a few times with different inflections, like it’s the first thing on a list, the middle of a list, and the last thing on a list - this is 'show biz' technique that makes things sound better when they're edited together..

EXPANDED VERSION: But wait, there's more! If you're up to it, also record the WHOLE INTRO (it's not that long). That way I won't have to be in it at all 😃.

Here's the script:

From York County, South Carolina (then all the 'from Rock Hill, Clover, Tega Cay... gets edited in).... this is the York County Democratic Party YouTube Show and Podcast! We call it YC.. DP.... TV.

If you want to ad lib something more, or something else, well, give it a go 🎭🎬.

If the video file is under 25 MB (probably won't be that small), email it to me at YCDPTV@gmail.com. If it's too big to email, use any online storage like Google Drive that let's me download without joining the service, and email me the link.

I'm looking forward to your creativity!

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 25: The Delegates

YCDP Chair Nikita Jackson, 2nd Vice-Chair Ryan Stephens and multiple office-holder John Holder are among the delegates from York County and the 5th Congressional District who will be headed to Chicago in a couple weeks to participate in the Democratic National Convention. We talk about what they're expecting, and the big changes in the party with President Joe Biden dropping out of the race and endorsing VP Kamala Harris.

Attending the convention is expensive 💰. The state party estimates it will cost each delegate around $4000, and all the expense is on the delegates. So Nikita and Ryan are taking advantage of an ACT BLUE system to accept contributions to help defray the expenses.

The QR Codes in the video will take you their individual contribution pages, or use these links:

Nikita Jackson: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/njackson

Ryan Stephens: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/natldelegatefundraiserstephens

This is the audio version - you can also find it in most Podcast apps as YCDPTV

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 24: Zooming for Kamala 🚀

Have you participated in any of those mass Zoom calls.... events.... in support of VP Kamala Harris' run for President? Your producer (Gary) hasn't, but Nile, Monica and Pat have. They talk about the experience and the energy that built so quickly after President Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 23: Evangeline Hundley Campaign Launch Party

Evangeline Hundley launched her campaign for US House from the South Carolina 5th Congressional District (including all of York County) with a party at the Mercantile in Rock Hill on June 12, the day after the Republican Primary. Matt Vilardebo, candidate for SC House from Fort Mill (District 26) introduced her.

SC 5th Congressional District map

SC 5th Congressional District

Hundley did not have a Primary opponent, so moves directly to the November 5th General Election, once again facing off against incumbent Republican Ralph Norman.

This is Hundley’s second run at the office. Norman defeated her in 2022, her first attempt at any political office. She comes at this second try with a much better idea of what it takes to run a campaign for Congress, and strong support from the YCDP.

She has a series of videos and commercials lined up on her YouTube Channel, along with a website and Facebook page.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

It’s LEGAL ⚖ to Campaign Outside a Polling Place 😮 (Who Knew?)

We found Elizabeth Enns, Republican candidate for SC House (26), greeting voters right outside the polling place at Nation Ford High School in Fort Mill. Can she do that?

Enns is running against David Martin in the June 11, 2024 Republican Primary. The winner of that Primary will take on Democrat Matt Vilardebo in November. [UPDATE: Enns lost the Primary election to Martin]

Turns out she can 😮. Here’s the FAQ from SCVotes.gov Enn's button, though, failed to meet spec, because it had her picture.

I saw a candidate/member of candidate’s campaign at my polling place talking to voters. Can they do that?

Yes, but there are restrictions:

Inside the polling place:  No campaigning is allowed.  Candidates may be inside the polling place and talk to voters as long as they are not campaigning, intimidating voters, or interfering with the election process.

Within 500 feet of an entrance to a polling place:  Candidates and campaign staff may campaign as long as they are not intimidating voters or interfering with the election process.  However, no campaign literature, signs, or posters are allowed.  Candidates are allowed to wear a badge no larger than 4.25” x 4.25” featuring only the candidate’s name and office sought.  Candidates must remove their badge upon entering a polling place.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 22: SCDP Convention 2024

The South Carolina Democratic Party Convention was held on May 18 in Columbia. The YCDP sent over 60 delegates. Our job was to approve rules and a platform, and elect some of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this summer. YCDP will send several delegates and alternates to that convention.

The 'poster' frame for the video is the view from the York County delegation, in the back corner of the floor

In this program, we talk to several of the delegates from York County and the rest of the state to get a feeling for what the convention means to those attending. Then we drop in on each stage of the convention itself… but we’re not trying to present the whole thing. That lasted over 4 hours, but was conducted pretty efficiently in that relatively short time.

As far as we know, the complete convention was not recorded, so the minutes are the official record.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 21: First Day Filing

March 16 was the first day that candidates for the ‘down ballot’ offices in South Carolina could file for the June 11 Primary. The YCDP-TV production crew (just me - Gary) headed out to the Government Building in the County Seat (the Town of York) to catch the action.

I was going to meet Matt Vilardebo – Matt was filing to make his second run at the SC House in District 26 (Fort Mill area). I expected a quiet exchange down in the elections office in the basement. Fill out some forms, pay a fee, hit the road.

Instead, I found a pretty Big Deal. The elections office set up tables in the lobby, and the lobby was full of candidates (all Republicans), all there to get filed on Day One. So was Matt.

I followed him through the process, and we did a few quick interviews as thing went along.

I also talked to Alan Helms, York County’s Voter Registration & Elections Director who was overseeing the whole thing. And I talked to Republican Watts Huckabee, who was there to file for his second tour with the York County Council (his first full tour - he was appointed to fill the remaining term of Brandon Guffey, who moved up to the SC House in 2022.

While Matt notes that he was the only Democrat at the First Day ceremonies, fiing is open until noon on April 1. We are hoping that several other Democrats will step up to challenge some of the Republican inclubents. If you decide to do that, you’ll get some YCDP-TV coverage, too! (It’ll help if you let us know.) Candidates filing from now until the April 1 deadline won’t get the royal treatment in the lobby… you’ll get that quiet exchange down in the basement.

One more thing: we’ve worked hard at getting the YCDP website’s Voting in York County and Meet the Candidates pages up to date. Stop by often to learn about the process and the people that make up the 2024 election.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 20: The 2024 YCDP Convention

The YCDP held our 2024 Convention on Saturday, March 9 in Rock Hill. Officers were elected, Matt Vilardebo was introduced as candidate for SC House from District 26, several Resolutions were passed (and sent to the SCDP), and our keynote speaker was Carol Fowler from the SCDP and Richmond County Democratic Party. And it’s all here on our YouTube Channel!

The video at our YouTube Channel has an extensive time-coded INDEX to all the activity at the Convention to make it easier to zero in on whatever you want to review.

The AUDIO version is right here, and also on our Podcast feed.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 19: Forgive Me (My Student Debt) 💸

Student debt relief isn’t just a headline. It impacts real people, many of them here in York County. And in this episode, we’ll meet two of them.

Mary Long is a retired mother of two, and took on a buden of debt to put her kids through college, an opportunity she never had. But a series of plant closings left her unemployed for a time, while the interest on that debt kept mounting. Kizmet Moore put herself through college, including a Master’s Degree, but the cost was staggering. Both had the balance of their loans forgiven by the Biden Administration, relief that changed their lives.

YCDP 2nd Vice Chair Milissa Rouse takes over the interview chair for this show, with moral support from Chair Nikita Jackson and 3rd Vice Chair Amber Pearson-Bowen. Producer Gary Pearce got to sit back and push the buttons.

Note that Mary relates her positive experience with a company called ABS (A Better Solution). They consolidated student debt and structured a more feasible payment plan for many. Others accused them of being a scam. We found stories of investigations, but no results or charges. In any case, it appears the company is out of business

YCDP TV is a YouTube show and audio podcast, produced by the York County (SC) Democratic Party. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel, or the podcast in your podcast app.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 18: Matt Vilardebo Announces for SC House 26

Matt Vilardebo has announced his second run for SC House District 26 which covers the Fort Mill area in York County. This year, incumbent Republican Raye Felder has announced that she is not running for reelection, making the seat wide open, and a better chance to flip Democrat.

At this point, Matt is the only candidate to declare for this seat in the Democratic Primary (to be held June 11). The deadline for filing is April 1st (and filing doesn’t even begin until March 16th), so most offices up for reelection this year don’t have declared candidates yet.

The YCDP does not endorse candidates in the Primary, but we will cover all bona fide candidates. Contact us at 📞(803) 327-4222.

Matt Vilardebo announces candidacy for SC House 26 Democratic Primary

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 17: Primary Education

CENSORED Version 🙈 (the UNcensored version is now viewable)

The First in the Nation Democratic Presidential Preference Primary is over. The media have moved on. South Carolina had its moment in the spotlight.

“Video Unavailable”? NBC/Universal blocked this program for a few days because we used a short clip of candidate Nikki Haley from a Saturday Night Live skit. We challenged this removal on Fair Use grounds, and after about 48 hours, NBC agreed with us and removed their restriction.

But for us here in York County, it’s worth taking time to reflect and review what it was all about, and what it meant to us. The outcome wasn’t a surprise, and we expected a low turnout. But was it ‘good enough’?

Joining us are YCDP Chair Nikita Jackson, 3rd Vice Chair Amber Pearson-Bowen, and one of our representatives on the SCDP Executive Committee (and our institutional memory) John Holder. This is the first time on the show for Amber and John.

We also talk about the June Primary for all the other offices up for election, the upcoming YCDP Convention, and what it takes to be chosen to attend the State and National Conventions. And we’ll play some of the Saturday Night Live ‘cold open’ with the surprise cameo from candidate and former SC Governor Nikki Haley.

Our host and producer is Gary Pearce.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

SC Senator Wes Climer (R-15, York County) Town Hall

Wes Climer is the Republican State Senator from District 15 in York County.

On February 1, 2024, he presented a 'Town Hall' on his Facebook page, talking about some of the issues before the state Senate and taking a few questions. The session ran about 30 minutes. We edited that down to a 4- minute synopsys, without any editorial comment of our own, just to give you an idea of what he had to present.

It will be kind of choppy, without a transition between topics, but we think you can follow along. You can see the full session here: https://www.facebook.com/wesclimersc/

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 16: Primary Voting in York County

Don’t look now, but it’s election season 👀. South Carolina is host to the First in the Nation Democratic Party Presidential Preference Primary on Fegruary 3rd. That’s First, plus or minus New Hampshire just ignoring the DNC’s mandate (but without Joe Biden on the ballot 😮). And the RNC sticking to their traditional calendar and voting three weeks later in February, well after Iowa and New Hampshire. 🙄

The Primary calendar is complicated by all that, and the effect it has on early voting. And the third Primary date in June for all the other offices on the ballot. Perhaps you’d like some help.

To the rescue rides YCDP’s new Chair, Nikita Jackson, joining host Gary Pearce to review the calendar and all the options in detail. They’re picking their data from the YCDP web page Voting in York County, so you can go there to review all the info they give you. But the show is kind of a fun romp… anything but dry and dusty.

Here’s the Audio Podcast. You can also subscribe to the audio in your favorite podcast app. Look for YCDP-TV

This is Nikita’s first visit to YCDP-TV. And ‘visit’ isn’t the right word. As Gary says, “I feel like I’m welcoming you into your own home.”

When this Primary is done, you can catch your breath. The action will move to a few other states, and only the cable news channels will be doing wall-to-wall politics. Oh, and us. We’ll be watching to see who enters the state and local races ahead of that June Primary. So settle in.

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Episode 15: Ain’t No Kid in South Carolina Ever Been Whupped Upside the Head for Telling Their Parents They Are Gay or Trans

South Carolina is playing catch-up. 22 other states have beaten us to the punch in passing anti-trans legislation, specifically laws that prohibit giving kids under 18 what’s called ‘Gender Affirming Care’. But we’re getting back in the game. The first legislation the ‘3M’ committee in the SC House took up in the new session in January 2024 was our own anti-trans bill. It’s H-4624. They call it Gender Reassignment Procedures. We call it… well, read the title of this show.

For anyone under 18, the bill would outlaw drugs that block the onset of puberty while a kid, their doctor and hopefully their parents figure out their gender identity; hormones for older kids who are farther along the transition process; and gender reassignment surgery for the very, very rare situations where it’s called for. It may also require school teachers and staff to inform parents if they suspect a student is showing signs of gender dysphoria (the clinical term for ‘wondering if they’re in the wrong body’). And if the school thinks that the student’s parents might react badly (violently) to learning that their kid thinks they should be trans… too bad. They can’t even advise the kid not to tell the parents.

The bill passed out of the subcommittee and full committee where it started, and at press time was set to be introduced in the full House, where it’s expected to pass. If it does pass, it moves to the State Senate for debate. Chances there are unknown, but if it passes the Senate, it goes to the Governor for signature. In 2022, McMaster signed an anti-trans athlete bill.

Early in January, a subcommittee of the House Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs held a hearing. Almost 50 people testified. Of them, only one favored the bill. All the rest firmly opposed it. Those testifying included doctors, therapists and counselors, educators, advocacy group leaders, and many transgendered people.

But the Republicans held fast to their notion that denying care to potential trans youth was ‘protecting’ them, and that parents had a right to know if schools suspected a student might have those thoughts, regardless of what the parent’s reaction might be.

Here on our first YCDP-TV show of 2024, we talk to four of the people who testified at the subcommittee hearing. Lacey Lane is a York County parent and educator. She’s been on the show before, in her role with CAPE (Community Advocates for Public Education). There, she helped us keep track of the York County Council’s efforts to interfere with the Library Board. At the top of this show, she brings us up to date.

Dr. Martha Edwards is a Pediatrician. Jessicka Spearman is a Counselor and parent of a trans child. And Amberlyn Boiter is a parent, activist and trans woman. Your host is Gary Pearce.

At the end of the show, we include video of the testimony from several of the people who attended the hearing. The session ran over three hours, so we can’t show them all, but their presentations are compelling. If you want to see more, you can download the video here (it’s a big file for a 3+hour video, and it downloads s l o w l y) . You can skip the download and watch online if you prefer, but it’s a little harder to get to. Go to this website, select the year 2024, then scroll down to Tuesday, January 9 - House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee -- 3-M Medical and Health Affairs. It looks like this:

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Gary Pearce Gary Pearce

Hello, World

“Hello, World” is our placeholder audio to get established with Apple Podcasts

“Hello, World” - this is a short podcast audio clip to let us get registered with Apple Podcasts. That’s what distributes the audio to your podcast app.

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