Episode 17: Primary Education

CENSORED Version 🙈 (the UNcensored version is now viewable)

The First in the Nation Democratic Presidential Preference Primary is over. The media have moved on. South Carolina had its moment in the spotlight.

“Video Unavailable”? NBC/Universal blocked this program for a few days because we used a short clip of candidate Nikki Haley from a Saturday Night Live skit. We challenged this removal on Fair Use grounds, and after about 48 hours, NBC agreed with us and removed their restriction.

But for us here in York County, it’s worth taking time to reflect and review what it was all about, and what it meant to us. The outcome wasn’t a surprise, and we expected a low turnout. But was it ‘good enough’?

Joining us are YCDP Chair Nikita Jackson, 3rd Vice Chair Amber Pearson-Bowen, and one of our representatives on the SCDP Executive Committee (and our institutional memory) John Holder. This is the first time on the show for Amber and John.

Primary Education

We also talk about the June Primary for all the other offices up for election, the upcoming YCDP Convention, and what it takes to be chosen to attend the State and National Conventions. And we’ll play some of the Saturday Night Live ‘cold open’ with the surprise cameo from candidate and former SC Governor Nikki Haley.

Our host and producer is Gary Pearce.


Episode 18: Matt Vilardebo Announces for SC House 26


SC Senator Wes Climer (R-15, York County) Town Hall