Episode 16: Primary Voting in York County

Don’t look now, but it’s election season 👀. South Carolina is host to the First in the Nation Democratic Party Presidential Preference Primary on Fegruary 3rd. That’s First, plus or minus New Hampshire just ignoring the DNC’s mandate (but without Joe Biden on the ballot 😮). And the RNC sticking to their traditional calendar and voting three weeks later in February, well after Iowa and New Hampshire. 🙄

The Primary calendar is complicated by all that, and the effect it has on early voting. And the third Primary date in June for all the other offices on the ballot. Perhaps you’d like some help.

To the rescue rides YCDP’s new Chair, Nikita Jackson, joining host Gary Pearce to review the calendar and all the options in detail. They’re picking their data from the YCDP web page Voting in York County, so you can go there to review all the info they give you. But the show is kind of a fun romp… anything but dry and dusty.

Here’s the Audio Podcast. You can also subscribe to the audio in your favorite podcast app. Look for YCDP-TV

This is Nikita’s first visit to YCDP-TV. And ‘visit’ isn’t the right word. As Gary says, “I feel like I’m welcoming you into your own home.”

When this Primary is done, you can catch your breath. The action will move to a few other states, and only the cable news channels will be doing wall-to-wall politics. Oh, and us. We’ll be watching to see who enters the state and local races ahead of that June Primary. So settle in.


SC Senator Wes Climer (R-15, York County) Town Hall


Episode 15: Ain’t No Kid in South Carolina Ever Been Whupped Upside the Head for Telling Their Parents They Are Gay or Trans